Saving just an HTTP request, or just an HTTP response

You can save just an HTTP request or just an HTTP response. Also you can save either both the header
and the content, or just the content. The content can be saved either in the RAW network format,
or in a decoded format (without gzip and chunked encodings).
As an example, you can save the content of a captured GIF image to a file, name it, for instance,
image.gif and then you can open that image in any image viewer. You can do this in the same way
for HTLM and XML, Java and VB Scripts etc.
In order to save just the HTTP request, or the just HTTP response; select this request or response
from the main screen, then at the bottom of the screen select
Request Details or
Response Details.
Click on the right button of the mouse on the details screen in order to open the context menu, and
Save Header and Content Decoded, or
Save Content Decoded to save them in a
processed format (without
gzip and
chunked encodings). To save them in the RAW network format,
Save Header and Content RAW or
Save Content RAW.
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