Setting a Filter

If you are analyzing a big web site, then it is possible that too much information will be shown
on the main screen of
SoftX HTTP Debugger, a large proportion of which is superfluous.
To avoid this, you can set filters in order to ignore unnecessary information.
To add a new filter, click on
Tools, then
Filter. Choose the HTTP Parameter name from
the list, or input them manually. Type the parameter value and click on
Add New.
The parameter value must not contain spaces, commas, or other punctuation marks. Use inverted commas
in order to input an exact phrase.
Check the
Don't show results matching these filters, or
Show only results matching these filters
depending on your filtering needs.
Please remember, that if you select
Show only results matching these filters and leave the list
empty, then all HTTP requests/responses will be filtered.
To delete a filter, select it in the list, and then click on
Delete Selected.
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